Wednesday, May 04, 2005


pre-text: i really reached the stage of "bo wei kong".to have someone that you are so loyal to, someone you offer only your best to...question your sincerity and love truly hurts. now it's hard for me to do anything for him without wondering if he would doubt my intentions. sigh.

muse: sda

removed the bricks one by one
layer after layer i peeled away
exposing the real honest me inside
thinking you would love me anyway
instead you take jabs at my naked self
and expect me to stand there with no defenses
beg me not to put the bricks up and wall you out
you question my love you question my intentions
you doubt the element of me
can't you see by now that all i've given you, all i've offered to you
is simply me
what am i to do now?
the bricks are going back up again
this time to wall myself in.

1 comment:

Toon said...

hey...thx for dropping a comment...hehe...good to know another scorpio...cheers!