Saturday, November 25, 2017

t- 24 hours

pre-text: when you connect with a stranger much quicker in less than 24 hours than with friends you've known for years. the streets of Hanoi will forever be romantic to me.

muse: pb

You made my heart skip a beat
When you appeared right in front of me
The urge to hug you was instinctive
But I held back
Unsure if you (still) felt the same way
Once your hands touched my hip
Everything fell in place
Everything became alright
And then you leaned in to kiss me
I was not ready so I turned
And again when you kissed me
I kissed back
But I held back
Because I know I would not be able to hold myself back
Walking the streets in your arms
I have not felt so happy in so long
The hours are always ticking by with us
One of us leaves and the other left behind
I huddle closer and cuddle you tighter
Pushing my face into the nook of your neck
I feel you throb against my lip
I breathe in your essence so I will remember you
Your smell, your skin and your warmth
I run my fingers on your face
So I don't suffocate on kissing your lips
Your lips they are so soft and gentle and kind
And when you smiled while kissing me
I felt as beautiful as you said I was
At the end you told me you'll miss me
And I kept silent
I've missed you since I first met you
But such intensity is not a burden everyone can bear
I would never put it on you
The best memories are never captured in photos
But in moments, in songs
In the way the street light shines
And the smell in the air
Our love affair always had an expiration hour
Which made each minute and second all that sweet
I long for the next time I get to kiss those lips again
It may never happen again
But I will have the memory of you always

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