Monday, September 14, 2015

No Last Words

pre-text: When no words is more than enough words.

muse: WJ

With no last words
Our arrangement of non-arrangement ended
They say you cannot lose something you never owned
I say you cannot lose something you cannot win
Because you never had love for me to win
Just affection and attention
Still I lost
Bits of myself along the way
All the parts of me that I was proud of
You were too
Because your arm was around my waist
And all eyes were on you and me
Alone with you
I saw slithers of vulnerabilities
Even in the dark
I felt your unwillingness in the moments of silence
No, I would never blame you
The habit of being alone is a hard one to break
I understand more than you know
And honesty is sometimes a cruel policy
Thank you for enforcing it on me
I will miss you
Probably more than I will know
But I will not miss the feelings each time you left
Or turned away from me
And maybe you will miss me, maybe you won’t
I will never know
We never had a photo together
It is just as well
You are forever etched in my memory
I will think of you and my heart will ache
But still I will smile
For now, I must go
I have to break my heart before you do

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