Saturday, January 18, 2014

jagged edges

pre-text: written for someone who came with declared baggage. i should have ran off, instead i ran forward embracing it. it was then i realized like no one can unpack someone else' s baggage for them.

muse: JP

come here, come into me
take refuge in my arms
come into me
no, your jagged edges don't hurt
look, i have them too
you've been shattered again and again
i know, i know
hush my darling, i know
sometimes even a simple memory can cause a quiver
you shake with fear from within
always thinking the last one was the worst
and you survived
we're survivors, darling, we are
broken, smashed and torn apart repeatedly in ways we didn't know a heart could be destroyed
but look at us now
my uneven edges matches yours
the jutting corners don't prick, poke or hurt
and no, i am not the jigsaw puzzle piece missing from your big picture
our hearts had to be broken over and over again to come together to be whole again

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