Thursday, February 17, 2005


pre-text: i was lying in bed one lazy sunday afternoon, back in sunny singapore. and i just felt so sunny inside! so i decided to write an ode to the sun/sunnyness. :P

muse: sunday

i know why they call it

is a beautiful day
two words that mean one same thing

on sunday
the sun shines especially different
it crawls out in the morning, lazier than ever
and hangs up in the sky, faithful as ever

on sunday
the sun shines with a peculiar intensity
makes you wish you were at the beach
whilst you are lazing at home, but contented

on sunday
the sun rays are what colors your daydreams
heats up the passion within you
and smothers you with nurturing life energy

on sunday
the sun smiles on you
and tells you you made it through the week
and it'll see you soon, next sunday

i know why we call it

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