Monday, April 18, 2005

our truth

pre-text: been thinking a lot abt sda and me and what happened or did not happen, what could have been done and what would have happen if...basically, WHAT....????

muse: sda

strings upon strings of thoughts
tangle up inside my head
every second every minute I pick at them
trying to gather some sense some reason some explanation
of how things ended up like this
acts and scenes I replay, adding new twists and turns
seeing if i can find our happy ending
same old sob story to the same old few
them too tired to listen, me too tired to repeat
again and again and again
should i throw out this convulated mess of truths
and never find out what we did wrong
or sit and dwell and maybe never find anything anyway
i miss you
and how we never had to sugarcoat
our words, our thoughts, our feelings
presenting them in the essence of their core
then they began to hurt us
and we became more careful, more guarded
leading us to where we are now
seems like the very thing that brought us together
has now driven us apart

1 comment:

SD said...

You know what.. this is me.. right now.. well done! I'll rip it soon! haha.. man i lurve ur blog.. itds got evrything!!