Saturday, November 25, 2017

i carry your heart with me, i carry it in my (broken) heart

pre-text: that lil tattoo was to remind me to carry the ones i love in my heart always wherever i go. who'd knew it will teach me that to carry the ones i love in my heart always wherever they go.

muse: e.e cummings

e.e cummings got it right
before i did
way before i knew i could
carrying love is a lighter burden
compared to hate
not that i could ever hate you
it is the cross i chose to carry

like an old injury that acts up when it gets cold and wet
i soothe the ache with a smile of memories of us
a tear may form, it may even fall
but the ache becomes more familiar each time
that ball in my throat becomes easier to swallow
the moment passes and i am present again

my heart may be broken
by a thousand shatters into million of pieces
but each time, it comes back together, bigger and stronger
held together by all the love
all the love that is gone
but never lost

it is tougher, stronger
open, raw and devastatingly ugly
yet remains quiet and obscure
aged by hurt, pain and forgiveness
cured by compassion
and underlined by understanding

my broken heart is not in pieces
it's held together by overflowing love
of all the loves that are lost 

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