Monday, April 25, 2011

my group of friends called grief.

pre-text: A self-reflexive look at the different stages of grief. Knowing and acknowledging each one is the first step. As losses accumulate, the physical and tangible losses evolve into the loss of something deeper and intangible.

muse: for those who have lost someone or something. or simply hope.

Oh Denial, you are my SOS
The first one on the scene when shit hits the fan
I can count on you for support
You are always on my side
Seeing things the way I do from where we stand

Bargaining, there you stand
At the corner of False Hope and Reality
Sometimes we win together
Most of the time, I end up losing
You are a tough sell, a big deal of nothing

Anger, you and me can take on the world
It's us against them, we are invincible
I got your back and you got mine
Alone I am passively stewing inside, together we are explosive
We are on the same team in the blame game

Debbie downer is your nickname, Depression
The sound of your name compresses my being,squeezing the life out of my life
You get easier to deal with each time, I must say
Familiarity does not breed contempt
But ease and comfort

Acceptance, I am serious about you but you treat me as a fling
Our time together is real and genuine, and always too brief
Just when I think we are ready to take it to the next level
You leave me and I go sleep with Anger,Depression and Denial, and sometimes Bargaining.
It's a one-sided love affair that's bittersweet at best

Closure is not something to seek
But the close circle of friends I call Grief
Who enclose me within as I sit on this rollercoaster ride called Life
As I go up and down, round and round until it is a big blur
I am grateful for these friends, they have practically become family.

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